Sunday, June 2, 2019

Chapter 3.3 - Delayed Gratification

Alaric tried not to look at Madeline, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to keep a hold on his emotions if he saw her face again. “What are you really doing here?”

He could hear the frown in her voice when she spoke. “Isn’t it obvious? I need a job.”

“I never got the impression that this would be your dream job.”

She spoke tightly, as if there were as many feelings wrapped up in her calm facade as there were in his. “Maybe not, but it pays well enough to support the three of us.”

Alaric felt his jaw tighten at the reminder of Madeline’s son. His… nephew. And… “Beckett still doesn’t have a job?”

“You didn’t know that?” She sounded genuinely surprised. He didn’t know why. He would have thought it was obvious that he avoided any and all news of the brother he hated more than anyone else in the world. She continued. “There aren’t many places that would hire him, and honestly… he’s become kind of antisocial since we got married. He doesn’t like having to face the town’s pity.” She sighed. “He’s been doing a lot of fishing, selling what he catches, but… well… we can’t live on my trust fund forever.”

Alaric nodded. “Your desk is outside in the waiting area. I’ll get you the work Monica left in a moment. Everything should be set up on the computer, but if you have any questions… feel free to ask.” He said that last part a little reluctantly. He didn’t really want to interact with her any more than was necessary, but he knew that he had to try. Eventually he would be able to get over her. Eventually.

Madeline stayed where she was for a moment, until it became obvious he wasn’t going to say anything else. As she moved to leave his office, she paused just outside the door and turned back, catching Alaric’s eye for the first time. As he took in the subtle changes in her face, he adjusted his earlier assessment. If he had to see her everyday… he didn’t know if he would ever get over her.


After almost a year, though, Alaric was shocked by how well he and Madeline worked together. Which was to say, of course, that they didn’t work together at all. They communicated entirely by email. He sent her instructions for what needed to be done, and she followed them. She put his appointments on his calendar, and emailed him every morning to remind him what he had on his agenda that day. All in all, it was a very healthy, professional relationship. Maybe it was a little strange that they worked barely ten feet apart and never spoke, but every relationship had its quirks, didn’t it? And to be perfectly honest, Alaric still couldn’t stand to speak to her.

He knew that he was slightly obsessive about Madeline. He didn’t stalk her, but he was acutely aware of everything she did while she was in the building. He knew what she ate for lunch. He knew which of the other assistants she was on friendly terms with. He knew exactly what she decorated her desk with, and where it went. He even eavesdropped on her personal phone calls, as creepy and unhealthy as he knew it was. He told himself that he couldn’t help it. He could hear everything she said from his desk, and it was only natural for him to be curious. He knew the truth, though. He just wanted to hear everything she said. Today’s call was no exception.

“Beckett? You don’t usually call this time of day.”

“Do you remember what happened last time you put him down for a nap this late? We didn’t get to sleep until one in the morning!”

“I get it, Beck, you’re tired, but this is how parenting works. You watch him while I work. You know we can’t afford a babysitter, not when you’re perfectly capable of watching him yourself.”

“Those are necessities, Beckett! I need them for my job, you know, the one I have so we can eat!”

“How do you expect me to wake the baby? Do you have me on speaker? What are you doing?”

“At least take me off speaker. You can clean later.”

“Well, if you really feel that way, maybe you should just hang up. We can talk when I get home.”

“What do you want me to say, Beck?”

After she had finished listening to his response, her voice softened a little. “Look, I don’t know. Maybe this weekend, okay? Saturday night?”

After another minute, she sighed and put down the phone. Alaric didn’t know what possessed him in that moment, but he called out to where she sat for the first time in the better part of a year. “Madeline?”

“Yes?” She sounded understandably shocked.

“If you ever need some time off, you only need to ask.”

He barely had time to take a breath before she was storming into his office. “Were you listening to my private conversation?”

“We’re… family, aren’t we?”

Something pained came into her eyes. “You know as well as I do why that isn’t true. Not in the sense that it should be, at least.”

Alaric closed his eyes, incapable of looking Madeline in the face as he said his next words. “I want you to be happy, Madeline.”

She was silent. When she finally spoke, it was soft enough that he had to strain his ears to hear it. “I don’t want time off… I don’t want to go home.”

“Why not?”

She met his sharp, dark gaze. “You know why not.”

“I want to… no, I need to hear you say it.”

“I don’t… I don’t love Beckett anymore.” She took a low, deep breath. “I don’t know if I ever did.”

“I see.” Although he was externally calm, Alaric’s emotions were in turmoil. “In that case, what can I do to help you?”

Madeline looked him in the eyes and smiled. “This.”

Author's Note: I know it might feel like everything is progressing very quickly, but I have a lot planned for this generation and we only have 20 chapters to get through it all. Also I want all the babies to be born before chapter 10, so you have some chance to see their personalities before the heir poll. Don't worry though, we still have another *consults notes* four chapters or so of this plotline before the move to Midnight Hollow. Next time: actions have consequences... 


  1. You know, you had me in the first half, not gonna lie. I almost thought that maybe Alaric and Madeline were gonna just keep a regular work relationship. Nope!

    Having an affair with a married woman is one thing, but your /brother's/ wife? And they've got a kid? I'm curious to see how Alaric deals with this one! And the rest of the family's reactions, if/when they find out...

    1. Oh yes, it should all be very interesting... you'll just have to wait and see how it turns out!

  2. Oh-kay then... my crystal ball says 100% chance of an unhappy ending for at least one of the three... I personally think that that hug has a 100% chance of not working in favor of any of them over the long run. The last thing Alaric needs if he wants to stay in politics is a scandal involving 'stealing' his bothers wife (or even ex-wife).

    1. It certainly doesn't bode well for Alaric's political career, does it?
