Sunday, August 18, 2024

Chapter 4.8 - Major Life Changes

Willow woke up in the hospital, in a haze and extremely uncomfortable. She was immediately aware that something was wrong.

“The baby…”

Amanda, who had been sitting next to the bed, jumped up. “The baby’s fine. She’s in the nursery now. We were worried about you, though.”

“What happened?”

“Flora found you unconscious when she came home from school.”

“Is she okay?”

“She’s fine. She was worried, but we’ve been keeping an eye on her.”


“That’s…” Amanda sighed. “Willow, how much do you know about the father of your child?”

Willow frowned. “Conor? Why are you asking about him?”

“Has he told you about his… background?”

Willow’s sluggish brain finally managed to catch the thread of the conversation. “Are you asking if I know he’s a werewolf?”

Amanda closed her eyes and sighed. “Let me fill you in on the rules of the supernatural community.”

As Willow listened, she only became more confused. “So… you’re saying Conor wasn’t allowed to let me know he’s a werewolf?”

“It’s not just that. Having the baby nearly killed you.”

“I’m sure it wasn’t that serious.”

“Willow, your blood pressure plummeted. Your body couldn’t keep up with the demands of the pregnancy. The baby’s fine, but you very much are not. The doctor said you’ll likely have long term complications, and your physical capabilities will be hugely impaired.” Amanda shuddered. “It was that serious. You almost died.”

Willow was silent for a long moment. Finally - “You’re here to tell me something. What is it?”

Another deep sigh. “Conor arrived at the hospital yesterday. He was taken into custody by the Midnight Hollow Supernatural Council, and he’s been banished and sentenced to rehabilitation with a different werewolf pack. That’s all been decided. There’s one thing that hasn’t been decided, and that’s what’s going to happen to the baby. You have to make that choice. There are two options: you can either give up custody of the baby to the Midnight Hollow pack, or you can take the baby and leave town.”


Amanda gave her a sad smile. “Things are different elsewhere, but Midnight Hollow is extremely strict about divisions between supernaturals and humans. You’ve crossed that line, so you have to either go back over the line or leave.”

It wasn’t really a choice to Willow. She just had one more question. “Where did they send Conor?”

“Moonwood Mill.”

Willow nodded. “That’s my choice, then. I’m taking the baby, I’m taking Flora, and I’m going to Moonwood Mill.”

Amanda leaned over to awkwardly give her a hug. “I’ll miss you. What are you naming the baby?” 

Willow smiled. “Her name is Skye.”

Author's Note: I'm back, guys! Four years after vanishing into the void! Long story short, I went to college. So I'm now a college graduate, with a real job and enough time to update my legacy again. That said, I've decided to transition my legacy into Sims 4, which is why this chapter doesn't have any pictures. I've moved all the necessary people (Willow, Conor, Flora, baby Skye, and maybe a couple of other people... you'll have to wait and see) to my Sims 4 game, and I have several additional chapters written and pictures taken for them. I'm not sure exactly when those will be out, but I'm gonna try to get them out sometime this coming week. Sorry for the giant Author's Note, but I wanted to at least explain the basics! If you read this back in the day, welcome back! Thanks so much for remembering my story, and sorry for leaving you hanging for so long. If you're new here, I suggest checking out my pages at the top of the sidebar (or the dropdown at the top of the page if you're on mobile)! I have a Table of Contents there if you want to read the legacy from the beginning, or if you don't have time for that, there's another page called Generation Summaries where the plot of every generation is summarized in one place. If you read that, all you'll need to read to catch up is the seven previous chapters of Generation 4. Okay, that's finally it! I'll be back soon, so wait for next chapter: we arrive in Moonwood Mill!

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