Friday, January 18, 2019

Generation 1, Chapter 18 - Ayla

Ayla sat outside the bistro, fidgeting awkwardly. She hadn't been here long, but she'd felt awkward the whole time. She imagined it was always awkward when you were the first one to show up for a date. She wasn't really sure, though. This was the first date she’d ever been on.

She examined her surroundings to try to distract herself from her nerves. The bistro was pretty. It was bustling at this time of the evening, mostly with chefs and the like getting off work.

It was only a few minutes before Tony arrived. “Were you waiting long? I'm really sorry!”

“It's fine. I only got here a few minutes ago.” She wasn't upset. Just nervous.

“All the same, I'm really sorry. I wanted to get here early, but then marching band practice ran late, and…”

“When does marching band practice not run late?” Ayla surprised herself with her own words. She wouldn't usually tease anyone this way, except maybe Carla.

“Never. I really should have planned for it, but I just looked at my calendar and thought, 'Ok, so marching band gets out at five, so I should definitely be able to get to the bistro by six’. I didn't even have time to change. I'm really sorry.”

“It's really okay. I came on this date to see you, not a suit.”

He laughed, looking a little more at ease. “I guess you're right. I'm just kind of nervous, I guess.”

She smiled at him. “I'm nervous too. But anyway… what do people do on first dates, actually?”

“I think they mostly make small talk and try to figure out if it's worth seeing the other person again.”

“Small talk. Alright. Um… what instrument do you play in marching band?”

“Clarinet. I also play piano, but you can't really march with a piano. Do you still do ballet?”

“Not anymore. I dropped it when I got to high school. Now I do newspaper and debate.”

“Planning to run for president any time soon?”

“Hardly. That kind of power is terrifying. I wouldn't want to have the fate of a country in my hands.”

“I feel the same way, but no one would ever want me to be a politician. I'd never win an election.”

“Don’t put yourself down. I’d vote for you.”

“You don’t have to be nice.”

“Tony, have you met me? I always have to be nice. It’s kind of my thing.”

He laughed humorlessly. “Is this a pity date, then?”

Ayla was confused. “Where did that come from?”

He elaborated. “Are you just on this date because you felt bad for me when I asked and you wanted to be nice?”

“Of course not! I could have just turned you down nicely, you know. I’ve done that plenty of times.”

“I know. I’m sorry. Just… you’re so perfect and I’m so not. I guess I’m trying to come up with logical reasons why you’d go out with me.”

“Nobody’s perfect, Tony.” She didn’t know why she contradicted him. She wanted people to think she was perfect, didn’t she?

“Then you’re the closest person to it I’ve ever met.”

She frowned. “Then maybe you don’t know me as well as you think you do.”

He seemed to study her. “What happened to the girl who thought she was amazing? When we first met, I could have sworn that you thought you were the best thing that ever happened to this town, and I agreed with you. What happened?”

Ayla looked away, knowing that whatever came out of her mouth next was going to be something she’d never admitted to herself, let alone anyone else. “Maybe she realized that her expectations were too high.”

“What expectations?”

She didn’t answer. Instead, “I think it’s time to go.”

“Do you want me to walk you home?”

“I think I can handle myself.” She didn’t look back.


Ayla lay on her bed, still in her pretty pink dress, crying quietly. Tony’s question from earlier circled around in her head. What expectations?

She answered it silently. The expectation that people would love her just for being herself.

Author's Note: Just two more chapters until the heir poll! I'll try to get both of those chapters and the heir poll itself out tomorrow. 

For some reason the bistro lighting made Ayla's hair change color. It's a much darker blonde than it looks in this chapter. Next time: Dylan chooses his career and we have some foreshadowing!


  1. Two more chapters for one of them to impress me over the other..
    I don't know how other readers feel, but I don't have a clear favorite yet. Ayla's first date was suitably awkward, which is how they usually are (if I remember the stone age accurately)

    1. I don't envy you. The final two chapters aren't terribly make-or-break, but the beginnings of their adult plots will start to emerge. I think all first dates are kind of awkward, so that's how I wrote Ayla's.
