Saturday, July 27, 2019

Serena - Forgiving and Forgetting

From: Alphonse Ziggfield (
Subject: You’re avoiding me

It’s been weeks since the last time I talked to you. I know you were surprised, and probably angry, and I understand that. But Serena, you have to talk to me. Even if it’s to tell me you never want to see me again, you’re going to have to say that to my face. Or write it to my computer, I guess, if you respond to this email. I’ll be honest, my hopes aren’t high. You’ve been making an effort to avoid me at school, you stay away from all the places we usually hang out, and I think you blocked my number, which is really annoying. I’m your friend, not an obnoxious ex. I’m sending you this because I’m pretty sure you don’t even remember that I have this email. I do have fond memories of the day you made me set it up, although I’m not in love with the address. But, please, Serena, write me back. Or I will actually come to your house to talk to you in person.



To: Alphonse Ziggfield (
From: Serena Doe (
Subject: Not avoidance, tactical evasion


Can you please take a hint? I don’t want to talk to you right now. You kept a massive secret from me for years, and I’m not ready to deal with the fallout of that just yet. Can’t you let me live in denial for a little longer? And for the record, you’re very close to becoming both an ex-friend and obnoxious.


P.S. That email address is just as epic now as when we first made it.


From: Alphonse Ziggfield (
Subject: I stand corrected


Just the fact that you wrote me back tells me that you’re ready to stop living in denial. I know that I hurt you, and I’m really, really sorry. I don’t think that’s what you want to hear, though. I’m not sure what you want me to tell you, but just ask and it’s yours. From now on, I am an open book. If you want a painstakingly detailed account of my breakfast routine or a word-for-word transcription of my last argument with my dad, I will give it to you. I’d give anything for us to be friends again. I’ll even stop asking you not to talk to your mother if you really want, but I know that you value my honest opinion. I won’t lie to you, not about anything. Never again. I would get down on my knees and grovel if we were in the same room, but for now I’ll just tell you that I’m begging you, Serena. Please let me be your friend again.


P.S. I never liked that song.


To: Alphonse Ziggfield (
From: Serena Doe (
Subject: Did you just admit I was right?


I’ll pay you back and admit that you’re probably right. Denial gets really cold and lonely after a while. I appreciate the overwrought language, and you were doing really well until you got to my mother. Then you had to guilt-trip me with all that about valuing your honest opinion… but fine. You can give me advice about my mother. Just please, no unprompted nagging. And this whole thing at the end… I never knew you had such a dramatic side, Al! I’ll try to bring it out more often (preferably without the whole not talking to you for weeks part). Are you saying that you won’t even lie and tell me that you don’t think my dress is too short? Because that’s going to be quite the habit to break. Anyway, I’ll stop teasing you. If you couldn’t tell, yes, I’ll be your friend again. But I haven’t entirely forgiven and forgotten just yet. I do still need some space. And I’m going to keep getting to know my mother, whether you like it or not. She’s been talking about maybe getting me a job working with her brother after I graduate, and I’m thinking about taking it. So yes, we can be friends, but you need to be honest with me and trust that I’m capable of making my own decisions. I don’t want to be babied.


P.S. And you’re on thin ice if you keep insulting my music.


From: Alphonse Ziggfield (
Subject: What’s a little capitulation between friends?


Thank you. Thank you so much. I can’t possibly express my gratitude in words. I can write you a song when I get home, is that dramatic enough for you? I’m sorry if I’ve ever nagged you, prompted or unprompted. And I think I can bring myself to even be honest about your fashion sense, and tell you when I can see your underwear. (I’m mostly kidding, but that one dress is really short.) I can give you space, if you want it. Just let me know when I’m being too much. I think that might be the only time I’ve ever said (or written) that sentence, but you make me uncharacteristically enthusiastic. I know I just said I wouldn’t nag, but I really think your mother is into some shady business, Serena. I’m not babying you, I just think you might be too close to the situation to see the bigger picture.


P.S. And if I don’t like Shake It Off, either?


To: Alphonse Ziggfield (
From: Serena Doe (
Subject: I don’t really care, but capitulation is my new word of the day


It’s only dramatic enough if you play the song for me in public. Serenade me, if you will. And I like my dresses short, but please. Do tell me if you can see my underwear, because that’s too short. You are rarely too much, but even you can get stifling if you’re pressuring me constantly. I don’t think you will, but I do think that sometimes you don’t realize that I think things through just as carefully as you do. I’m a big girl, Alphonse. I can make fully thought through, grown-up decisions. And I want to be part of a family that really cares about me. Have you thought about that bigger picture? That said, I do appreciate that you’re willing to be honest with me. You don’t sugarcoat things like other people do. I love that about you.


P.S. Then I lied. We can’t be friends anymore.

Author's Note: This is the longest special, probably because it was my favorite to write. I love the email format. I loved coming up with the email addresses, and the subject lines, and the P.S. While this probably won't reappear should Serena win heir (I typed when air, because my brain is fried), what will come up is really bad puns, which there are a few of in here. Next time, bring your insulin, because Felix is writing letters to the baby.


  1. I can totally see why this was your favorite to write--it was probably my favorite to read! They were all really, really well done, of course, and I enjoyed the insight into each character, but this one was definitely the most fun; even though the subject matter was semi-serious, the way it was all presented was almost whimsical (and very cute). I feel like that's within the theme of Serena' character, so it makes sense!

    1. Serena is very whimsical, so I wanted her special to be the same way. But also, I've seen a lot done with the email format in a way that I haven't with some of the others, so I felt like I had more to draw from. It was just as fun to craft the format as it was to do the actual writing.

  2. The good thing about not being able to decide is that there won't be any disappointment, no matter who wins 👍 I think Jonah is my least favorite but even his story makes me curious enough that I wouldn't mind if he wins. You did a good job giving equal love to all five!

    1. I'm glad that's the case. Secretly, Jonah is probably my least favorite, too, but I still have a lot of love for him. So thank you!
